I’d like to register to use the Portal – where do I find my ‘Unique Code’?
You’ll have previously received your personal unique code in the mail. If you’ve misplaced it, please call the NPF team at Gallagher and once we’ve verified your identity, we’ll cancel your original unregistered code and create a new one for you.

What can I do on the portal?
You’ll be able to see your personal details such as address and edit these online when your information changes. You can also tell us who you’d like to receive any cash, or pension benefits in the event of your death.

If you’re a Deferred member, you can now view your latest Annual Benefit Statement, this includes a current estimation of the pension payable to you at your Normal Retirement Date.

If you’re already a Pensioner (or you’re in receipt of a Dependent’s pension), you can now change the bank account you’d like your pension paid in to, as well as view your current benefit.

In the future we’ll continue to improve the Member Portal to meet your needs, and by registering we can easily keep you informed on any new developments.

What if I’m struggling to register or do not receive my verify email?
Please check your junk or spam folders for the verification email, you can also re-register using your code if you have not received the verify email. If these steps do not work, then please contact us.

Why can’t I change my email address?
If you want to change your email address after you register, please contact us. We can verify your identity and reset your record, so you can register with your chosen email.

I cannot see everything on the screen?
Depending on the device you’re using the screen will ‘render’ differently. Our website is built to be flexible enough to see it on any device (personal computer, laptop, tablet or mobile phone). As different devices rearrange the screens to fit, this may push parts of the screen around so you may have to scroll further to see everything.

What happens when I reach Nationwide’s Retirement Age?
Ten months before your normal retirement age, the NPF team at Gallagher will send you a letter to outline details of your pension benefits. This will include information about the lump sum available, and the resulting reduced pension values.

You will also receive a Pension Decision Form, which you must complete and return to the NPF team at Gallagher, before your pension can be paid.

How often can I request a transfer value?
You have a statutory right to receive, on request, one free transfer value in any 12-month period. If you’d like to request an additional transfer value within 12 months from the date of the first request, it will be subject to an administration charge of £200 plus VAT, which should be paid in advance.

Can I make contributions to this pension?
Unfortunately, as you have left the Fund, you are unable to make contributions as your benefits are now 'deferred'.

Can I take my benefits before age 55?
Legislation prevents anyone receiving their pension benefits before age 55. Although in cases of serious ill-health or if your health deteriorates, you may be granted an ill-health pension by the Trustee.

Where can I see a statement of my benefits?
Your latest statement is available online in the secure member portal, and this includes an estimation at your Normal Retirement Date. If you intend to retire at a different date, the NPF team at Gallagher can provide an estimation.

Why have the benefits in my statement changed?
When we produce your statement, we have to make assumptions about some parts of the calculation, such as price inflation. These assumptions may change and affect your projected benefits. Please read your statement including the notes, which explain the assumptions used in more detail.

What happens to my pension if I divorce?
In these circumstances your benefits could be split with your partner, but to do this you will need a pension sharing order. If you need more information about your pension in case of divorce, please contact the NPF team at Gallagher.

Can I receive a monthly payslip?
Yes, but only if you request one. We normally only send out a payslip each March and April, or when your pension amount changes. Please contact the NPF team at Gallagher.

Will I be informed about my annual pension increase?
Each April (or when your increase applies) your record on the Member Portal will be updated in advance of the increase in your payment. If you’ve requested, we’ll notify you in writing.

What happens to my pension if I get divorced?
In these circumstances your benefits could be split with your partner, but to do this you will need a pension sharing order. If you need more information about your pension in case of divorce contact the NPF team at Gallagher.

When will I receive my P60?
We have a regulatory requirement to provide you with your P60 by 31st May each year. Your P60 is normally sent to your home address prior to this date.

What happens when I reach State Pension Age?
You won’t get your State Pension automatically - you have to claim it.

You should get a letter four months before you reach State Pension Age telling you what to do. If you haven’t received a letter three months before your State Pension Age, you will need to contact the Department for Work and Pensions.

For details of how to do this, visit www.gov.uk/new-state-pension/overview

Who should I contact if I have a query about my State Pension?
Please contact The Pension Service, which is part of the Department for Work and Pensions on 0345 606 0265.